Tuesday, January 10, 2012


malam ini seperti malam biasanya, I am having a chat via BBM with my soulmate. yeaa.. like seriously, dia soulmate gw..

and i don't know why, randomly, gw bilang ke dia..
"eh ay, I'm so happy to know that I'm having you around me in this crazy life. Makasi yah :) "

and dia jawab, kalo dia juga seneng dan dia ga mau kalo gw sampe kehilangan rasa itu sampe kapan pun. dan yang dia maksud adalah 'the happy feeling' , karna menurut dia, it's hard to find.

tiba-tiba ada satu perasaan takut yang gedeeeeee banget, dan bikin nanya...
"how bout the know-that-I'm-having-you-around-me?"

i got the best answer:
"sure, I'll be around and still loving you."
and i cried :')

thanks to you..
yeah.. I'm so happy to have you here and i want you to be happy as i am :)


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