Wednesday, September 22, 2010

i'm on the air

that day, sebuah email masuk ke bb gw yg ngasi tau kalo gw dapet message fb dari salah seorang temen lama gw d gereja yang lama. intinya dia minta gw buat add fb dia soalnya fb dia-yang-entah-kenapa ga bisa nge-add gw. akhirnya gw add dia..

after that, we had some little wall thingy, basa basi nanya apa-kabar, lo kuliah-tinggal-kerja-gereja dimana sekarang, and others basa basi lainnya.

the funny thing came, he sent message to me, here is our little conversation:
(the red is him, and i'm the blue one)

"pacar nak mana? maksudnya da punya pacar blm? hehehe... "

"Haha. Belom nih :( Knapa? Lo? "

"haha..baguslah..:P gw juga blom soalnya..hehe..paslah kl gitu.. berarti gw boleh dong nyiptain lagu buat lo?..hehe... "

"Hahahaha. Nyiptain lagu mah ciptain aja atuh. Masaq org mau brkreasi dilarang? Haha "

"hahaha..iya juga ya.. btw email lo apa?? ntar gw kirim via email aja kl udah jadi..oke2?? "

and i gave my email..

six days after that, another email came and told that i have a fb message from him.
lagunya uda jadi, yang nyanyi adeknya. lagunya cuma ama vokal dan piano doank, tadinya mau full band, tp tyt soul nya ga dapet, hehe.

here it is the lyric, but anyway he said sorry for the bad english

When I see you smile.
I can feel your heart.
Even if you break my heart.. I still feel your heart..
I believe in love.
Even if love's hurt...
Every time I pray to God.. There's sound of your name..
I'm on the Air... When I kiss your eyes..
And when you say yes.. you do love me too..
I'm on the air.. You're my every breathe
You're my best ever that I had.

dan sialannya, alasan kenapa pake gw buat nyiptain lagu adalah karana muka gw enak dipantengin depan keyboard. MasyaAllah, dikata muka gw partitur apa yah, ampe enak dipantengin depan keyboard -_-"

tapi lagunya bagus lho (diluar inggris yg berantakan yah.), suara adeknya juga oke :)
sukses boos di dunia musik dan kerjaannya! God bless.


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